Well, hello again! it's "the time of the month" so to speak and actually I feel reluctant to write since I haven't really been reading.. :/ and I think I was mostly disappointed of my reads so...
I also didn't listen to audio books much, I had planned on listening to the Chronicles of Dragon Lance by Margaret Weiss and Tracey Hickman but I only finished the first one yesterday (I'll write the review in the next few days). I'm not adding this book to the list of this month since I want all three of them together. Yeah they are separated books but actually since it's one adventure I want to relate to all of them together (even if I review them apart)
Favorite Book and Author of the Month: Hold On Tight by Serena Bell
I already raved about this one yesterday on my review. I'm putting this one in both the category of favorite book and favorite author since it surely deserve both! I've read everything Serena published - 3 short novellas and 3 pull books. The novella I REALLY enjoyed (and it's not that easy writing a good short story!) and out of the 3 full novels one was okay and the other two were a BLAST! I'm talking about this one (naturally) and Yours to Keep (which was my favorite book of the month in March).
Just a few words about this book (though you can read it all in my review). I really enjoyed both main characters. I found them both to be strong and independent, while both having "their issues" I felt that they were inspiring in the way they each dealt with their problems. I loved that neither one needed rescuing though having one another was a blessing to both of them.
Disappointment of the Month: The King (Black Dagger Brotherhood #12)
By J.R. Ward
The King opened up my readings for June and sadly it was quite a disappointment. I knew I might have problems with this one since I'm not really invested in both the main characters but actually the problem was a lot in the plot didn't make sense to me or was played in a way I didn't appreciate. I guess it's hard coming to the 12th book in a series being able to invent as well as to follow the previous plot lines, previous ideas, but I guess, we, the readers are quite selfish we want what we want and have our own expectations of what we want to happen next.
As I've written in the review, though this one was a sort of fail for me I really would recommend this series to any Paranormal Romance lover and I will also not skip on reading the next ones.
Discovery of the Month: Summer Rain Anthology
(Alexandra Haughton/Audra North)
I feel kinda strange putting this book in here but what the hell :) thing is, I was really excited when I heard of this book. Mainly because it has a story by Ruthie Knox and by Charlotte Stein but also because I have a few more authors to try out. But except for Ruthie and Charlotte I only enjoyed two others.. Alexandra Haughton's "Storm Warning" and Audra North's "Fitting In". There is no such thing as a "waste of time" reading a book so I take from this one the things I liked, the stories I enjoyed and also two authors I'd like to follow.
Fun Break of the Month: Free Falling by SE Jakes
Well, putting this book in this category is a little stretch since it's not that it was THAT funny, it's actually an action packed short novella. But I'm putting this one here because even though it was short I really enjoyed the ride. Enjoyed mostly Blue one of the main heroes. I also think this book should "own a slot" here since I didn't like the previous book I've read by SE Jakes - Dirty Deeds (my review) which is a spin off to "Hell of High Water" series which this one (Free Falling) is a part of (though it is a stand alone novella). So grabbing this one and enjoying the read somehow meant more after the disappointment.. I also wanted to read "Daylight Again" Jakes' third novel in "Hell of High Water" but didn't find the time so I postponed it to July.
I didn't mention in the "Disappointment" section the "Inside Out" series by Lisa Renee Jones though I WAS disappointed with the series, well, with the first book. I had my hopes about this one, heard there's a lot of "vibe" about it but I didn't find it appealing. So even though I meant to read the whole series this month I didn't finish the first one.. (my review).
So that's it for June. I really hope that FINALLY I'll return to reading as I've planned. It's not about the accomplishment its about the peace of mind and enjoyment I have from reading and I truly miss it. So here for reading amazing stories! Cheers!